The person who had the school before me saved everything so my student files are huge and I decided this year to start off fresh and clean! In order to do that I needed to create a system to organize all of the papers in my files.
I figured while I was making them that I would spend the time to make them super cute and make different designs so that I could change it up when I wanted something different or just got bored of a design.
I'm super excited to get started! HAHA I would never actually say that, but I think having a super cute design will help motivate me to complete this task of organizing all of my student files this year. ;)
Pretty in Pink
This design I decided to call my Pretty in Pink style!
Dots in Teal
Here is my dots in teal version!
Half & Half
This design I call Half & Half because I made every other page like these two pages. To get started organizing I included the following organization forms to divide everything in a much more organized fashion.
-Current IEP: year
-Past IEP's: years
-Meeting Minutes
-Prior Written Notice
-Consent for Testing
-Parent Communication
-Teacher Communication
-BLANK (Write your Own)
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