You might not even want to start thinking about the next school year yet...or maybe you feel like you've had some time now and are SLOWLY starting to plan for next year like me. ;)
One of the hardest things for me to keep up with as the year starts to get crazier and crazier is planning individualized homework for each one of my students. I always start the year with my best intentions and then I always seem to have no extra time about mid school year in the day to plan homework for each student. So last year I created 3 separate 10 Month (September-June) homework bundles. One for language, one for articulation, and one for social pragmatics. Each bundle has 1 sheet that goes home each week with 3 small activities to do at home with their parent/guardian. There is even a space for the parent to sign. I'm hoping this will increase family involvement!
The Language Bundle focus on WH Questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How), Prepositions, Pronouns, Synonyms, Antonyms, Categories, Is/Are Copulas, Multiple Meaning Words, Attributes, Regular Verbs, Irregular Verbs, Fact or Opinion, Compare & Contrast.
Here is a preview!
The Articulation Bundles focus on multiple sounds (/p/, /b/, /f/, /v/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/, /r/, /l/, /s/, /z/, /sh/, /ch/, /th/) each sound listed has it's own complete 10 month plan. Each sound has one sheet per week. For example a sheet for a week has 3 different levels (words, sentences, and a conversational level question or topic starter). The word level includes a picture of the word to help the students who struggle with reading. There is a box above each level to mark which level the student is working at. The word and sentence levels include an initial, medial, and final position of each sound. Sometimes I will mark more then one level for example, if the student is doing well at the word level and is working towards moving to the sentence level I will mark both the word level and sentence level. This allows the student to have success at the word level while pushing them towards the next level of the sentences. There is a place for the parent/guardian to sign. I encourage the parents to say the words once a day or once every other day. If I have a student who is working on more then one sound I sometimes will send home two sheets with each sound. For example, I might send home /s/ at the sentence level and /z/ at the conversational level. If this is too much work for the student or the family I will alter the sound that we work on each week. For example, the first week of November I will send home the /s/ sheet and then the second week of November I will send home the /z/ sheet and so forth. If the student brings the previous weeks sheet back with a signature I will give them a sticker to put on their sticker chart. :)
Here is a preview!
The Social Pragmatics Bundle focuses on idioms, problem solving, and conversational skills (initiating, maintaining, and ending a conversation). Each week includes one idiom which puts the idiom into a sentence and the student is given a multiple choice for the definition of the idiom. Each week includes one problem solving scenario that the student has to solve. In addition, each week has a conversational skill. The conversational skill section begins with initiating and progresses to maintaining a conversation and finally to ending a conversation. Some activities in the section are multiple choice, fill in the blank, and role-play scenarios. Each sheet has a place for the parent/guardian to sign.
Here is a preview!
In order for the homework sheets to get home and back to school I created a homework folder for each student. Each week I would give the student a new sheet to be completed. If the student brought the previous weeks homework back with a signature they would get a sticker on their sticker chart. Once they filled their sticker chart they could pick a prize from the prize box. ;) This seemed to be rewarding enough for most students to be motivated. These homework bundles have been a huge help to keep me on track and they are simple enough for me and for the parents to keep up with them.
If you'd like to see more or would like to purchase the 10 Month Homework Bundle click here!
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