Sunday, January 11, 2015

Baby It's Cold Outside

      It's official! Winter is here! As you know speech paths always get the best office space in the school setting. You know the spacious room that is well heated and has plenty of windows. :) Oh wait, that isn't you? Okay, okay all joking aside my office is actually really nice this year. My office is spacious and I have a window! The only bummer is the temperature.  It's funny how life works, because the other day admin needed to use my office for a meeting and the next day, no wait, later that same day I was hand delivered a heater! :) Don't worry my beautiful summer escape office didn't last long though. The heater made it about a month and decided to stop working. Ah, the good life of a speech path. ;)

     Keeping with the winter spirit I made a winter reinforcement bundle to help keep my kiddos engaged now that winter break is officially over. The bundle includes 10 picture strip cards, 10 board games, and 10 do-dot pictures. I wanted to make something generic enough that I could use for any speech therapy activity that I needed the student to complete, but with a fun winter theme to go with the activity.

10 Picture Strip Cards
Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

      I decided to make these with 5 reinforcement pictures thinking that during a 30 minute session I will give the student a picture to add to the board every 3-5 minutes depending on when I start to lose the student's attention. I have a couple of students who I tell that once they collect all 5 we get to play a game. This way I'm in charge if and how much time they will have to play a game. So if it takes them 26 minutes to collect all 5 pictures then they only get to play for 4 minutes. So I tell them that it is up to them how many minutes we get to play a game for. If they are having a great day and trying really hard then maybe they'll collect all 5 pictures in 22 minutes and get to play a game for 8 whole minutes. It has been working great for me so far!

10 Winter Board Games
Speech Therapy
       I LOVE LOVE how much my kiddos are enjoying these winter board games to go along with the speech activity I have chosen. Each week I let a different student in the group choose which board game we use.

10 Do-Dot Pictures
Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

       These have been great for my kiddos that really need to move and have motor breaks. I let them choose what color they want. Then I let them choose if they want to color in the circle, draw a smiley face, or draw a star. I've also been thinking about buying stickers for my life skills students and have them request which sticker they want. I have also used the chips from a Chipper Chat Game and then allow them to use the magnetic wand to pick up the chips. I think I might also laminate some of them and use dry erase markers allowing the pictures to be used multiple times.

       If you would like to see more or purchase this product click here!

Speech Therapy

      I hope your kiddos enjoy these winter reinforcement games as much as my kiddos have been!

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